Detection Services: FIDO AI deploys remotely in Brisbane during COVID

The challenge

Detection Services found that acoustic loggers in a Queensland metropolitan area were giving some false positives. This was due to loud background noise coming from nearby major construction work.

The company needed to improve accuracy quickly while under COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. It also wanted to reduce leakage and maintain service standards for its customers

The FIDO AI Solution: 

FIDO AI was the perfect solution during the COVID pandemic. The FIDO Bugs were deployed by the Detection Service team and using API access, FIDO connected to the client’s logger estate halfway around the world without face-to-face manual set-up.

FIDO automatically processed sensor alarms, generating accurate results with visual daily leak location reports.

FIDO’s unique algorithm focuses on the sound and vibrations only real leaks create. So, intermittent background construction noise which triggers sensor alarms was no longer a barrier.

What we achieved: 

FIDO led Detection Services staff to a number of significant leaks. As a result, the company continues to meet its contractual obligations in complex circumstances.

Acoustic loggers are already a feature of many water networks but they can be affected by external factors such as nearby traffic or construction noise. Traditionally, proprietary software and the human ear were used to decide whether a noise was leak or not. FIDO all but eliminates that uncertainty and its functionality and ease of use makes it applicable in a range of situations.  

Chris Evans, General manager